28 Feb 2011

monday 28th

Today i published my final product, this was a simple step but the last step i had to do in order to complete my project. I opened my homepage on flash and clicked on file, i then went to publish settings, a window opened up where i had to select the format, i chose Windows Projector (EXE) as my application, i then named my programme healthy eating and clicked OK. my programme was then published.

18 Feb 2011

Friday 18th

Today i finished editing my final video with the white text and inserting the music in the back round. i edited the video using windows movie maker which is a programme i have on my laptop so i was able to edit the video at home. I simply inserted each video clip whihc i filmed on my video camera and cut each clip to lthe length i thought was best suited. I added transitions so that each clips flows through to the next one by fading to black. I also added text over the video clips to tell the audicnce what i am doing in the clip, this was simply inserting text and changing the font.

i then had to add some music to make the clip seem more interesting. i had chosen an artist called example as he is a very well known artist for the ages 11+ which is my target audiance, he music makes the clip more upbeat and flow better. i have chosen three of his songs so that the transition between each songs isn't too obvious. Ialso changes the volume of the song so that it doesn't over power the video i simply clicked on the music tool and lowered the volume.

i found it very easy to use windows movie maker as i have been using this programme for another subject so i was use to all the tools, i believe that my video has been edited very well and shows a great example. To upload my video onto my flash document i had to use Adobe Media Ecoder to convert it to a FLW file Video then simple import it onto my libary.

16 Feb 2011

Wednesday 16th

Today i edited a small section of my video and included some voice overs to test whether voice overs were the best option. i had a trial run and tested my voice over video on some students ages 11-13. After receiving their feedback, they had said that the voice overs were to confusing and fast for the video, which meant they couldn't follow the voice overs and found them rather annoying. After receiving this feedback i then had a meeting with my client to discuss other ways of presenting the information. i thought of the idea of having text appear on the screen in a white font and have it transition from the bottom of the page to the top and disappear. we had decided on a white font so that is was easy to view the video still in the back round. After this meeting with mt client i had created a example of the video with the text and we both preferred this option, rather than voice overs.

15 Feb 2011

Tuesday 15th

I started to film my video on Sunday 14th of February, i had decided to film at home in my own kitchen as it was the easiest option and the setting was better. i have only filmed the first half of my video, which is the heathlier dish with homemade chicken nuggets and homemade oven cooked chips. Today i will film the second half of my video, by deep frying my bought chicken nuggets and chips, i will be completeing my video today and then edit it tomorrow with my voice overs which i will create tomorrow as well.

7 Feb 2011

Monday 7th

Today i started create my animation. i had already gathered the information for my animation so the information that will be displayed will just need to be pasted onto the flash document. I have also collected the the pictures i am going to use so i will just have to paste them too. once they have been pasted into the document i will need to create the motion paths for each one so that they move around the picture of the world. I will start by creating the tween for the world. i inserted the picture of the world onto my stage and double clicked on the image so that i can concentrate on that layer, in order for my image to rotate i had to insert fey frames every 90 degrees and then between each section add a clasic motion tween so that it rotates, below is an image to demonstarte:

my next step was to have the information fly in from outside of the stage. i first had to create the sahpe for the text and edit the colours and then inserted a text box and pasted the text into the text box, the first one i created was pizza from Italy. once the text and the back round shape was created i converted them both into a sybol so that they can move together. i then inserted a a key frame onto the time line where i wanted the symbol to start and the instered another keyframe at 50 where i wanted the symbol to end whihc would be on the stage. hald way through each keyframe i insterted a classic tween whihc will move the image from one position to the next. i then inserted another keyframe 1 monitue later down the time line and inserted another 50 seconds after that and created another clasic tween for the image to move off the screen with the last key frame being the image of the stage.

my last step was to insert the picture and have it fly out from behind the world and then dissapear off the stage at the same time as the information. to do this i pasted the picture onto the flash document stage and changed it to a graphic so that i could edit the alpha so it apears from nothing into a full image. i instered two keyframes 20 seconds apart and created a classic tween but chaning the alpha to nothing on the first key frame and to 100% on the last one, then inserted another key frame 30 seconds after that and moved the picture onto the stage by the information and created a clasic tween so it moves onto the screen from behind the world. my next step was insert another keyframe 60 seconds later and have the image move off the stage like the information by creating another classic tween.I repeated these steps for each piece of information until my animation was complete.

3 Feb 2011

Thursday 3rd

Today i am creating my E-portfolio to present all my work for the examiner. To create the portfolio i used a programme called dreamweaver and created pages for each section and added link for each document.